The CS Exams Test Series is a comprehensive exam preparation platform designed to help CS aspirants prepare for the CSEET, CS Executive and Professional exams. The exam series covers every subject covered in the course materials for all the 3 levels and offers thorough answer suggestions for every answer. You will receive advice from our experts regarding the answers for CS Exams Test Series. Each answer will be marked step-by-step, and comments will be provided. You can attempt our latest test papers of CS Exams Test Series to learn the marks and errors made in them. Additionally, you can have our professionals examine your answer sheets and let you know where you fall short.

Select Your Plan for Dec 2024

Select a plan which suits your prepration schedule.

Detailed Exam series (Old Syllabus)



  • 4 Chapter-Wise Test For Each Subjects
  • 1 Full Syllabus Test For Each Subjects
  • Target Based Approach
  • Revision Strategy By AIR
  • Evaluation In 1-2 Days
  • Question Paper & Suggested Answers Both Available
  • Scheduled & UnScheduled Both Options !!

Individual Chapter Wise Plan(Old Syllabus)



  • Each Chapter-Wise Test For Each Subjects
  • 2 Full Syllabus Test For Each Subjects
  • Target Based Approach
  • Revision Strategy By AIRs
  • Evaluation by Qualified CS in 1-2 Days.
  • Question Paper & Suggested Answers Both Available
  • Scheduled & UnScheduled Both Options !!

Detailed Plan Dec 24 (New Syllabus)



  • 4 Chapter-Wise Test For Each Subjects
  • 1 Full Syllabus Test For Each Subjects
  • Target Based Approach
  • Revision Strategy By AIR
  • Evaluation In 1-2 Days
  • Question Paper & Suggested Answers Both Available
  • Scheduled & UnScheduled Both Options !!

Pass Guarantee Plan Dec-24 (New Syllabus)


₹2398.00 [50% OFF]

  • Pass Guaranteed (Valid for 200 students only).
  • 4 Chapter-Wise Test For Each Subjects
  • 2 Full Syllabus Test For Each Subjects.
  • Target Based Approach.
  • Revision Strategy By AIR.
  • Evaluation In 24 hours.
  • Moneyback in case of negative results.
  • Scheduled & UnScheduled Both Options !!

Individual Plan - Dec 24 (New Syllabus)



  • Each Chapter-Wise Test For Each Subjects
  • 2 Full Syllabus Test For Each Subjects
  • Target Based Approach
  • Revision Strategy By AIRs
  • Evaluation by Qualified CS in 1-2 Days.
  • Question Paper & Suggested Answers Both Available
  • Scheduled & UnScheduled Both Options !!

Full Syllabus Plan (New Syllabus)



  • 2 Full Syllabus Test of 100 Marks Each
  • Revision Strategy for Exam
  • 2 times Revision
  • Question papers and Suggested answers will be provided.
  • Evaluation by Qualified CS in 1-2 Days.
  • Schedule dates will be flexible i.e you can attend test paper whenever you want.

Full syllabus Exam Series Old Syllabus



  • 2 Full Syllabus Test of 100 Marks Each
  • Revision Strategy for Exam
  • 2 times Revision
  • Question papers and Suggested answers will be provided.
  • Evaluation by Qualified CS in 1-2 Days.
  • Schedule dates will be flexible i.e you can attend test paper whenever you want.

Pass Gaurantee - Individual Chapter Wise Exam Series- New Syllabus



  • Each Chapter-Wise Test For Each Subjects
  • 2 Full Syllabus Test For Each Subjects
  • Target Based Approach
  • Revision Strategy By AIRs
  • Evaluation by Qualified CS in 1-2 Days.
  • Question Paper & Suggested Answers Both Available.
  • Applicable for Dec 24 Only
  • One to One Mentoring
  • Scheduled & UnScheduled Both Options !!

Pass Gaurantee - Individual Chapter Wise Exam Series- Old Syllabus



  • Each Chapter-Wise Test For Each Subjects
  • 2 Full Syllabus Test For Each Subjects
  • Target Based Approach
  • Revision Strategy By AIRs
  • Evaluation by Qualified CS in 1-2 Days.
  • Question Paper & Suggested Answers Both Available.
  • Applicable for Dec 24 Only
  • One to One Mentoring
  • Scheduled & UnScheduled Both Options !!

Pass Guarantee Plan - Old Syllabus


₹2398.00 [50% OFF]

  • Pass Guaranteed (Valid for 200 students only).
  • 4 Chapter-Wise Test For Each Subjects
  • 2 Full Syllabus Test For Each Subjects.
  • Target Based Approach.
  • Revision Strategy By AIR.
  • Evaluation In 24 hours.
  • Moneyback in case of negative results.
  • Scheduled & UnScheduled Both Options !!

Importance of Chapter Wise Tests

We avoid any type of Copy Paste, keeping the content New and making the learning better. Students are able to think out of the box and improve their Learning Capacity. Something which has already been solved is not effective if asked to solve again in the Mock Tests.

Importance of Full Syllabus Tests

You will get 50-60% Similar Questions in main exams from our test series

Revision Strategy by AIR

Practice notes and MCQ are provided in addition to the Test Series for better scoring. Summarized Notes help in covering heavy syllabus in a easy manner.

Scheduled & Unscheduled Test Papers

Sheets of a student who scores the highest marks is provided so that a student can compare performance and score better in the upcoming Tests

Suggested Answers

Now doubts of every students will not go unnoticed or unanswered. Students will have the liberty to put their doubts and get them solved by experts.

 Buy Now